An Insistent Knocking Poem by Percy Dovetonsils

An Insistent Knocking

Rating: 4.8

Life, said the old poet
is an insistent knocking
on doors that won't open
into houses
that won't be there
by the time
they do.

So relax, stop knocking,
sit on the stoop
in front of the house
that won't be there.

Soon enough
the owner,
the houseless owner,
must exit,
looking for a new house,
a new way through,
and you'll find
he doesn't look any better than,
or different from,

Patti Masterman 17 February 2012

I have found that one of the hardest lessons- not that I ever felt myself to be superior, no my inclination ran in the opposite direction from superiority- but the older I grow the more I must admit, we're all much the same, in every way that counts.

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Virtually flawless stanzaic structure & cadence highlights and fuels this fine display of contemporary free verse. Close-out line speaks volumes & delivers with poetic power...~FjR~

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Captain Cur 30 May 2013

Loved the poem. I believe doors were made to keep us in, not out.

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Babatunde Aremu 30 May 2013

Very philosophical and nice. Life is transient

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Howard Leek 30 May 2013

Made me really think, enjoyed the poem especially as you can read however many times and not get bored of thought. cheers

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* Sunprincess * 30 May 2014

.............a marvelous poem.....and congratulations on member poem of the day...enjoyed...

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Nathan Coppedge 30 May 2014

An admirable poem. Thank you. And I invite anyone to visit my poems on this site (link on my profile) . Abstract, urban idealism.

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Jasbir Chatterjee 30 May 2014

I liked this poem very the end, I guess, everyone becomes homeless and the feeling of being at home is only a short-lived illusion...

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Gajanan Mishra 30 May 2014

looking for a new house, I like it, thanks.

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Smoky Hoss 31 October 2013

Be careful he doesn't run you over on his way out...

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