Pristine Verity Poem by Windsor Guadalupe Jr

Pristine Verity

Perhaps I know it
Like a smoke wafting
With the wind,
A perpetual fire
Or a torrential cataclysm -
The blatancy of the twilight
Or the impending solace;
The secrets of the
Scriptures or the proud
Roar of the night
And its lamentations.
I know it
Like a ruinous warfare
Inside my heart that
Vies to ebb like the sea
After a stifle of wind.
I recognize this flagrant
Need - I descry
Symbols and riddles
Upon solitary walls,
Undulating seas and
Trifle morose labyrinths;
I know it like I know
My tumultuous dreams
Of fire, of vessels
Vestal aeons and a
Cavalcade underneath the
Arms of the clocks;
I know it like how
My soulful being
Is pressed upon the tapestry,
Girdled close to the
Pulsations of the poignant
Core of rattling oblivion.
I know you like my
Tears at night - halcyon shards;
Whetted clarion bawls
Beacons like your amethyst eyes;
I know this
Like the familiar tryst
And proverbial turns
Where I commit
A peculiar peccadillo
Of loving you more than
The verve in this vale.
I know you like
My silent, tender
Contrition during the
Night where I kneel
In front of laughing walls
And innocuous bedposts;

I know you
And how I love
You here, now -
The only verity
I am eager to hold.

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