Problems Of Reading And Assessing Indian English Poetry Poem by Bijay Kant Dubey

Problems Of Reading And Assessing Indian English Poetry

Ruskin Bond had not been a poet
But has become of reckoning
And this is Indian English poetry.

We read Keki N.Daruwalla, Adil Jussawalla, Gieve Patel
But left him, I mean K.D.Katrak,
Gieve Patel got critics.

Adil Jussawalla wrote and made us feel his presence
But sided for a time being with editorial and freelancing
And his poems too we did not consider in the syllabus for a long time.

R.Parthasarathy just kept him up with peadalling Rough Passage
And talking about ten poets rather than the evolution,
Keeping confined to a small coterie, circle and cocoon.

We start modernism with Nissim, but the story is rooted deep into
The pre-independence writers,
First read you the books,
Collecting them from the museum library, olden racks and shelves,
Archives to form an independent opinion.

Where your Dhan Gpal Mukherji, G.K.Chettur, Manjeri S.Isvaran,
P.R.Kaikini, Joseph Furtado, Armando Menezes, P.Shesadri,
Where Adi K.Sett, Burjor Paymaster?

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