Procrastination And I. Poem by Dorcas Tayire

Procrastination And I.

I was twenty save one
when these happened to me:

I complained, I grumbled
Unhappiness was happily mine.
Fear gripped me,
the morrow was nigh
yet my hopes and dreams were tied to the only friend I had.
Even today again didn't go as planned.
Oh! That terrible friend of mine.

I sat still; complaining bitterly
but did nothing.
Waiting for life to come; serving me a meal on a silver plate.

I wanted to rise but my friend cajoled me to sit.
I wanted to work, oh! , she begged me to play.
I wanted to read, she caressed me to sleep.
I wanted to go out, she asked me to stay in.
Now I was in, I needed to build on myself, she assured me of time; waiting for me.

Days walked pass.
Weeks said hi,
Months came for a visit
Years came back home
And there was my good friend; smiling and telling me time; for me, was waiting.

I sat still, complaining.
Holding tight unto the only friend I had.
She soothed and comforted me but asked me to rest everytime I tried...
I didn't want to loose her, a part of me was tired of pains.
But if I loose a friend so dear, what then would be my gain? .

Days wept for me.
Weeks looked; wishing I could change.
My dear friend kept comforting me in times like this.
Months scurried like rats
Years flew like bats.
But there was I, complaining yet doing nothing.

Until I saw whilst dreaming;
the clock ticking, and there stood time; leaving...
Still I sat, beckoning.
But it never stood to wait.

I awoke immediately as anger had embraced my being,
my friend had lied to me in all my years of living.
I fumed and charged in with rage but saw her not.

Oh! You left too? . You should have stayed and watch me leash out my anger on you.
Even if to me, it was late.
I rose!
I worked!
I read!
I went all out!
I built on myself
But by this time, I was forty save one.
10th June,2022

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