Pros And Cons Of Poemhunter 2021 Poem by Denis Martindale

Pros And Cons Of Poemhunter 2021

So many features old and new,
I looked confused as if no clue,
Sometimes I guessed at what to do,
Where was my poem titles view?
The A to Z of titles shared?
It can't be me alone who cared,
Clicking LOAD MORE quite despaired,
Left wondering how others stared.
My poems list had thus begun,
I kept on clicking until done,
From A to Z, yes, one-by-one,
But sad to say, it wasn't fun.
I copied that list while I could,
Then I made it understood,
To edit everywhere I should,
Within my poems' neighbourhood.
While comments seemed to be combined
And not as once as thoughts remind,
The printed text view's hard to find,
Thus changes seemed to be unkind.
The adverts stayed both left and right,
Above, below and out-of-sight,
The A to Z list granting light,
Black text against a softened white.
Three thousand poems spanned the years,
Mankind's prayers and hopes and fears,
Regardless of what now yet appears,
Until the site's confusion clears.

Denis Martindale. January 2021.

Pros And Cons Of Poemhunter 2021
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