Prosaic Tale 'dhikr' Poem by Sumita Jetley

Prosaic Tale 'dhikr'

As the evening sun set, casting a warm glow over the terrace, Raheem stood quietly. The soft hum of the evening breeze surrounded him. The terrace, full of green plants, felt like a peaceful haven. Behind him, the open kitchen and cozy library made the space warm and inviting.

Raheem had just wrapped up a busy day. He had met with friends, helped his family, and worked hard. Now, in the calm of the evening, he wanted to spend some time in dhikr, remembering and praising God. This was his way to find peace and connect with his inner self.

He started his evening with a simple prayer. 'I pray for wisdom to understand life better and for strength to face its challenges. I am so grateful for the people in my life, ' he whispered.

Just then, his friend Ayaan walked up. 'Hey Raheem, what's on your mind? '

Raheem opened his eyes and smiled. 'Just thinking about the day, Ayaan. It's been busy, but good. I'm thankful for the people in my life.'

Ayaan nodded. 'What do you usually pray for in the evenings? '

Raheem looked at the setting sun. 'I pray for wisdom and strength. Life can be tough, and understanding it better helps. I also pray for everyone around me. Their presence means a lot.'

'Do you think our prayers are heard? ' Ayaan asked.

'I feel to believe that every prayer is heard, ' Raheem said softly. 'Maybe not always in the way we expect, but in some way, they are.'

Ayaan smiled. 'You always have such a peaceful outlook. It's inspiring.'

Raheem chuckled. 'It's the dhikr. It helps me find balance and harmony. It's my way of connecting with something greater than myself.'

They stood together, watching the sun dip below the horizon. 'You know, ' Ayaan said, 'I've been thinking about joining you in your evening prayers. Maybe I could find some of that peace too.'

'I'd like that, Ayaan, ' Raheem said. 'It's a journey worth sharing.'

With a smile, Raheem looked around. The plants swayed gently in the breeze, the kitchen was filled with the smell of fresh herbs, and the library shelves were full of books. It was a perfect mix of nature and comfort, a reflection of his inner world.

He took a moment to appreciate the simple things in life, the beauty of small moments, and the joy of being with loved ones. In that moment, Raheem felt truly blessed. His prayers were not just words, but a deep feeling of gratitude and hope.

It's just astonishing
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