Pysch Essay 1 Poem by imani halley

Pysch Essay 1

The frontal lobe is a region of the cerebral cortex at the front of the brain lying just behind the forehead that is necessary for motor control. Also more complex, high end functioning like speech, decision making and judgements. The ability to reason, plan future events or actions, chose between good or bad decisions, and aids in future consequence recognintion that results from current actions. As Anna gets advice from her friends about which college she wants to attend she will listen to everything they have to say whethere it is negative or positive. Also their tips on why she should choose a particular college. Anna will then use her frontal lobe to differentiate between the pros and cons of what her friends have to say about college. Her frontal lobe will aid in her deciding whether in the long run which college will benefit her the most and which one will not. in conclusions using her frontal lobe will enable her to decide which college will be the best choice for her based off of the advice given to her from her friends. The corpus callosum is a thick band of nerve fibers that divides the cerebrum into left and right hemispheres. It connects the left and right side of the brain allowing for communication between both hemispheres. The corpus callosum transfers motor, sensory, and cognitive information between the brain hemispheres. As Anna visits colleges she will learn which colleges are closer to home and which are farther from home. Also because she is anxious to go to college she will want to make a quick decision. In this example Anna is using the right hemisphere of her brain which is skilled at percieving emotion. Depending on how close Anna is to her friends and family emotionally she will base her decisions of which college to go to partly on location and distabnce of it from home. Also because she is anxious to make a decisions she will be deliberating over which college suits her best. Anna will use the left side of her brain which is skilled in making quick intuitive decisions and responses. The corpus callosum which links both the left and right hemisphere of the brain is infuencing her decisions by using her right hemisphere which is responsible for emotional perceptions of why she should go to one college over the other based off distance from home. And also the left side because she is anxious to finally just make a decision. Norepinephrine, also known as noradrenaline, acts as a neurotransmitter and as stress hormone controlling the bodys 'fight or flight' response. Secreted by the adrenal gland and by nerve endings in the sympathetic nervous system. It also regulates arousal in times of physical and mental stress and helps us stay alert in dangerous situations. It is also administered as a drug in medical emergencies to raise blood pressure and heart rate. As Anna becomes overwhelmed with deciding which college she wants to go to she will also become stressed. Norepinephrine will be secreted from her brain and adrenal glands. The norepinephrine that is released into her body will allow her to become more alert and focused which will make it easier for her to make a solid judgement on which college is best for her. Whereas if she continued to be stressed the stress of making decisions will cloud her judgement and cause her to not make the best decision. But that is why the norepinephrine is there to keep her alert and focused. The parasympathetic nervous system is part of the auntonomic nervous system. Its main function is to conserve and restore your bodys energy. Anna will be listening to many tour guides and her friends opinions on why she should choose a certain college. As she takes all of this in she will want to take a moment to relax and decide what college is best for her in a stress free enviroment. As she does this her parasympathetic nervous system will be working to calm her body by promoting routine activities such as digestion, and lowering heart rate. This system also secretes the neurochemical acetycholine which is the key leading to relaxation. Throught all of this she will be able to judge more clearly which college is best for her because she is relaxed. The amygdala is a small almond shaped mass of nuclei located in the temporal lobes of the brain near the hippocampus.It is a structure of the limbic system that is linked to emotions and aggression. It's function is to control fear responses, the secretion of hormones, arousal and the formation of emotional memories. As Anna is touring a particular college she sees that dogs are permitted on all areas of the campus. The amygdala will then process an event that happened when she was younger where she was severely bitten by a dog. The amygdala will then also increase her fear of dogs. As her fear increases Anna will then steer away from colleges that do allow dogs on campus. The occipital lobe is the area of the brain located at the rear of the head and is responsible for sight. Anna will be touring the campuses of the college. She will see the layout of dorms, campuses, and the school itself. Her occipital lobe will correctly process what her eyes are seeing. The details of the college she is seeing will effect her decisions because she may chose her college based off of partly which one is the best looking to her. The Wernicke's area is an area of the brain that is very important in the development of language. This area is located on the left side of the brain, specifically on the left temporal lobe. Anna will be listeing to what her tour guide says and also asking questions about the college itself to get a better understanding of the college to make her decision. The wernicke's area of her brain allows her to understand and comprehend the language that the tour guide is speaking to her and it also allows her to be able to talk and ask him questions. This is important for decision making because she is able to hear and learn what the college is all about and also ask her own questions to be fully informed before making a decision.

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