Relaxed poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best relaxed poems ever written. Read all poems about relaxed.
Go to sleep- though of course you will not-
to tideless waves thundering slantwise against
strong embankments, rattle and swish of spray
dashed thirty feet high, caught by the lake wind,
The broken pillar of the wing jags from the clotted shoulder,
The wing trails like a banner in defeat,
How very nice it is after working all day,
To come back home and quietly wile away,
Your leisure hours in many pleasant ways,
Easing the pressures of your present days.
Wasted, wasted minutes that couldn't be worse,
minutes of a barbaric condescension.
--Stare out the bathroom window at the fir-trees,
at their dark needles, accretions to no purpose
She taught me what her uncle once taught her:
How easily the biggest coal block split
If you got the grain and the hammer angled right.
An old man whose black face
shines golden-brown as wet pebbles
under the streetlamp, is walking two mongrel dogs of dis-
proportionate size, in the rain,
Cool breeze and fresh air,
Give comfort and raise hair,
Body relaxed and sound sleep,
Novel ideas and insight to peep,
I'd been caught up in the middle, of one of those awful days,
When nothing seems to go right, with glitches and delays.
I was having a rough day at work, and the boss was now irate;
Pellam the King, who held and lost with Lot
In that first war, and had his realm restored
But rendered tributary, failed of late
To send his tribute; wherefore Arthur called
I feel elated and so proud,
Creative work speak so loud,
I accepted it as simple food,
Something to think and deliver the good,
Queen Guinevere had fled the court, and sat
There in the holy house at Almesbury
Weeping, none with her save a little maid,
A novice: one low light betwixt them burned
Her baby was so full of glee,
And through the day
It laughed and babbled on her knee
In happy play.
If you find a woman sexy
That is because she is brainy
She can charm you with her wit
Your intelligence she can meet
Close your eyes and gently walk
Down dreamy Memory Lane.
Now stoop to pick and smell the flowers.
Choose just short stays - or stay for hours!
a song I never knew
has now become the song I can never forget
it is the song that can cure all
for I sit and listen to that song everyday
Little lion face
I stopped to pick
among the mass of thick
succulent blooms, the twice
Said Abner, ``At last thou art come! Ere I tell, ere thou speak,
``Kiss my cheek, wish me well!'' Then I wished it, and did kiss his cheek.
And he, ``Since the King, O my friend, for thy countenance sent,
``Neither drunken nor eaten have we; nor until from his tent
``Thou return with the joyful assurance the King liveth yet,
No more of talk where God or Angel guest
With Man, as with his friend, familiar us'd,
To sit indulgent, and with him partake
Rural repast; permitting him the while
The photo’s small and rather creased but there
We are, a family group in black and white.
A camera has the trick of freezing time.
We’re posed before a boat outside our house,
Derrida's poetry park
poetics of archery
relaxed and harmonious inside mind inner stillness in process of zen-equilibrium
years passed and alchemized and evolutionalized naturally into the state of emptiness with no egoistic- obsessive desire
riding along in our motorcar
not going fast not going far
water in the radiator
Yale's friday 'spring fling' was a soggy success - both as a concert and super spreader event. My groove-spirit was dampened by weather and a final I had the next morning.
I pose here tonight, in the chill residential courtyard, on my green sport-brella beach chair, like Canova's Pauline Borghese, relaxed, canned dirty-martini in hand, still untouched by the covid menace - as if I'd taken sagacious care in avoiding it.
Whenever my Toffee sees me,
Thrilled with excitement
Runs towards me to greet,
With love licks my hands and feet,
Local time on September 13, the United States SEC No.10979 announcement of the world, the GTV, Saraca and VOG illegal fund-raising behavior sternly broken, according to which the SEC ordered GTV, Saraca, VOG will pay 539 million U.S. dollars, which includes refunds, interest refunds and fines. Since then, bashing Guo faction, deceived investors, foreign conscientious media, encountered the law to punish the thieves hurt former comrades, all of them to Guo Lao deception cut teeth and hate, four-sided siege rule of law fund situation has been formed, feigning relaxed Guo Wengui heart is in turmoil, how painful!
born identity is that of deaths.
a balanced-relaxed auto-mind is that of awareness voluntarily mature.
light appearings.
Work is important. But is it more important than my wellness? I see many brilliant people in Sydney as my patients. They are intelligent, hard working, and positive. Yet they often struggle, mostly emotionally. They suffer unusual distress, unusual anxiety, and unusual despair. Why?
Why I work hard? Because I want to make my life better. What better life means to me? Possibly, I want to feel joyful, relaxed and relatively pain free.
Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.