Qm: quantumic Mirror Poem by Nyein Way(Maung Maung Thein)

Qm: quantumic Mirror

Quantumic mirror

observe reality.know thyself.open your mind door.kiosk of flowing truth in rivers of valleys in the streamline theory of absurdities.study your mind.observe yoursekf.misinformatiom leads to
distortion of wifi utopia.just a game of mischiefs.
don't dive into the play of theatrical myths on the streeys.performance studies on points and lines and colours and abstractness on pages of civilization gone with the wind.birthdays and unbirthday.alice in the wonder land.cartoonic water oon canvas of imagination.စိတ်ကူးဥာဏ်ပညာ mind, imagination, wisdom, knowledge and skills and technique
(art of poetry) .
utensils in the robotic kitchen.everything is created by AI.future in nowness.post-futuristic tense in openning section of rhyzomic interpretation on mus-interpretation upon questions.
death and corpse and rises are on ruins of ascetic understanding of wisdom alive.viewing from underground poetic eyes.
lions and birds are now threads of bygone days.begin from anywhere in the myth-making machine.mother earth.meaninglessness on pointless waves of droned xeroxes upon sky of rat's eyes.number one, two, three.....umbrellaed terms for questioning truth-moving situation. impermanence and maya.looming above the playful
reality of the present tense's open truths opening
conflict in
mountain foot of elps
and mountain foot of himalayas. possibilities games of maturity faces of stillness on
arteries and veins of zen moves and zen stops.
no worries.
no queries.
no surgeries.
nodes and knights in might of night, a mythic translations of civic misinterpretation research poerics our of theorectical background in sands.
sunstorms in northern lights.
nature on virtual screen in the east.
discover poetry of truth?
toothed masks.
truth no rivers and no future.
only the present tense.
evening cream and sediments of dawn.
squeezed voices.
the small lane on highland's sky of the saints.
hermitage unknown and untitled on action poetics of
mind-voyage.mindfulness with
critical reasoning.
have a go.

nyein way
(1999/edited 2024)

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