Quest For A Country Not Yet Born Poem by Ojeikpo Elijah

Quest For A Country Not Yet Born

In a world so torn and torn,
I set out on a quest for a country not yet born.
A land of promise, a land of dreams,
A place where hope and love forever gleams.

Through treacherous mountains and raging seas,
I searched for this land with an unyielding ease.
For I knew deep in my heart,
That this journey would only be the start.

With courage in my heart and determination in my stride,
I crossed deserts and valleys far and wide.
And in my mind, I could already see,
The land that was meant to be.

Through dark forests and endless skies,
I pushed forward with unwavering eyes.
For I knew that somewhere out there,
Lay the country that was beyond compare.

And finally, after countless days,
I found myself in a land ablaze.
With vibrant colors and bustling towns,
This was the country that would never let us drown.

A land of freedom, a land of peace,
Where all differences would forever cease.
For this was the country that I had dreamed,
A place where every heart and soul could gleam.

With its majestic castles and glittering streams,
This country was more than just a dream.
It was a reality, waiting to be born,
A new nation, where love and unity would adorn.

And though it may be a quest not yet complete,
I know this country will rise to its feet.
For it is fueled by our hopes and our desire,
A nation waiting to be set on fire.

So let us join hands and raise our voice,
For this country that is our ultimate choice.
A land of promise, a land of grace,
A country not yet born, but ready to embrace.

Saturday, August 31, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: world peace
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