Tell me because I am from North
Tell me because I am from South
Either East or West
We are one
Sólo era un niño
Siente la brisa extramadamente profunda
De un romanticismo ápice
Puentes para ponerme en lo profundo
Je n'étais qu'un enfant
Je ressens une brise extramoderne et profonde
D'une Romance apexique
Des ponts pour me mettre au fond
Dimmi perché sono del Nord
Dimmelo perché sono del Sud
O est o ovest
Noi siamo uno
Save my blood
You might need it tomorrow
When the rivers
All dry to its bank
Salva il mio sangue
Potresti averne bisogno domani
Quando i fiumi
Tutti si prosciugano fino alla riva
Little bird little bird
Sitting on the wall
Weary and worried
Eyes squinted unto the distant land
Roll and roll
Like a form master
Ready to call the roll call
She cuddle the sky
Deaf and dumb like
A deafened silent night
Never knew
When the thieves invaded
For every souls are Unto dead
No one has a short coming
Labours and toiled are for the mortals.
I had cried my crying
Envies and hatred
Are witchcraft
Died rich or poor
In nakedness still counted the mortals.
Sourd et muet comme
Une nuit silencieuse et assourdie
N'a jamais su
Quand les voleurs ont envahi
Sordo e muto come
Una notte sorda e silenziosa
Non ha mai saputo
Quando i ladri hanno invaso
There is an end
To all toiled and cravings
The past and it's future
Given up?
Given up?
What you gonna do now?
When all the hopes are gone
There is a wailed and tears in the sky
That never will be still,
Like the voice of a lonely bird
Elijah A. Ojeikpo hailed from Ofiloko Adoka, Otukpo Local Government Area of Benue State. A poet, playwright and member of International scriptwriters association. It an mmense pleasure in writing English poems and other Languages. I am proud to be a poet)
We Are One
Tell me because I am from North
Tell me because I am from South
Either East or West
We are one
Knit and sinew in one blood
What's wrong wrong with us.
Tell me because I am black as coal
Tell me because I am white as angel
Your smile, my smiles
Your pains are my agonies and sorrows.
What's wrong wrong with us.
Nigeria is our home
A sacred pledge we song
Good people, Good Nation
We are one
Let Treated each other
The alike
What's wrong wrong with us
All what we preachs
Love and Peace
Flows in like a morning breeze
Into our limbless heart
We are one
What's wrong wrong with us
Tell me if i were...
Would you let me in?
Would you put me out as prey?
Freedom unto freedom
Arms in Arms, in one
Stretched out like a cloud.
We will dances the dirge songo
Tell me because I am from North
Tell me because I am from South
Either East or West
We are one
Knit and sinew in one blood.
Tell me because I am black as coal
Tell me because I am white as angel
We are one
Your smile, my smiles
Your pains are my agonies and sorrows.
Nigeria is our pledge sacred home
Good people, Good Nation
We are one
Treated each other
The alike.
All what we preachs
Love and Peace
Flows in
Into our, the limbless heart
We are one
Till the double-digits are competitively hub.
Tell me if i were -
Would you let me in?
Would you put me out as prey?
Freedom unto freedom
Arms in Arms, in one
Stretched out like a cloud.
We will dances the dirge song
No more but of joy
We are one
Wriggle our ways to the sky
At last, last of its kind
We have arrived.
The cock that crow was an egg
What make eyes to be red comes from the heart
He who pay the Piper should not quest for cure for a viper's venom
Human committed abomination because there is forgiveness
He who has an abundant should give a handful to the Orphan
You are of yourself the moment you try to being like others your failures will start.
For every tombs there are angels to roll away the stone
Its not all date that lead to an altar
Man who goes to the brothel cannot be innocent of accusations
White tooth does not determine a pure heart
One truth can end the years of lies
Truth is a light that can shone through the darkest path
Unforgiven spirit is the cancer to the heart
An evil days give no formal notice
Sin is a seed that await reaping
Truth is the secret for a successful relationship
Unrepented tempers are wildfire that consumed itself
Doubt is an enemies of faith moving mountains
Your success is your enemies greatest fear
Whenever I heard someone is dead I also want to hear the death that killed have been arrested and persecuted
It takes the spiritual authority to control spiritual things
You will not know how to fly if you are been pursued
Vanity is hidden in time
The long courtship it like a breakup affairs
Abomination await those looking for a chance to committed a taboo
Every hidden secrets have the hiding light for being expose
One true can destroy an empires of lies
There is no way you hates your neighbour that you had not hated yourself first e
Truth is a seed that does not decay
Don't leave a man of vision and married a man that have television. You will sit to watch the man of vision
How more beautiful a woman she is capable to tell a lie
Satisfaction doesn't quenched hunger
The cock that crowed was an egg
If my charger will not spoiled my phone will charge
The man who site on the fence close to the sky than a sluggard man
The golds are for everyone but it unveiled itself to those that searched for it
What will be a reward for servant that buried his talent?
Death and life are equal, to lives is to die
China is a libration movement of the world
There is nothing eyes has not seen, the foes behind won't harm
Where there is a light shall be arrived
Where there is light there will be a route that will reach home
Know your enemies is a secret tool to create success
It is a citizens that make a nation
The citizens are the wealth of the nation
The citizens are the treasure of the nation
Silence is my shield