Quintessential Feline Poem by Pat H

Quintessential Feline

You greet with silk, sulky pass to shin,
Only to meander, when I walk in,
So aloof and nonchalant,
Yet rely on me for every want,
I chase your affections, fleeting attentions, no less,
As if to do so would offer solace;

How did this come to pass?
I've asked myself, oh yes alas,
Fur-balls and odorous litter, no thrill,
Mostly you lounge, uber still;

In nature you were voracious,
Something courageous,
A sabertooth, a panther, a tiger, a cougar or alike,
Poised in stealth, to pounce,
to strike,
Yet you, prey befall,
Entitled in wealth, guised from true call;

What become you, years to come?
Shedding hair, wool caught claws and moribund,
And what be done when you be gone?
A dog to greet me from that point on!

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