Raise Me From The Dead Poem by Mohammad Younus

Raise Me From The Dead

My lord, I want from you the tidings of resurrection...
...that I may arise from my grave;
I want to rise up from the grave to take up my unfinished job!
My soul, like a lovebird, yearns for singing in the garden of Eden,
It yearns to arise and fly off...
...setting myself free from snares of the world;
When the voice of thy love calls me to be a free bird...
...I shall rise fluttering my wings for flying to the Eden, ...
...the Garden of eternity, ...
...soaring far higher than the dome of the world!
There I'll live the life beyond the mortal span, for Eternity!
Pour down, oh Lord, the rain of mercy on my dead heart!
To quicken it to life, and let it know what is the eternity;
My lord, do not by the wind of your wrath scatter...
...me as dust from place to place;
Once I am dead and gone,
How can I carry on my love affair with you?
How can the dead fulfill his covenant of Alast with you?
Raise me from the dead! Raise me with light and lute!
Such that thy voice rings through the folds of my winding-sheet!
Such that I arise and dance at my feet to thy melodious tune!
Such that your light of the blessed dawn...
...comes to awaken and enlighten me!
Wake me up! let mine eyes delight in thy music and light!
Thou art the goal to which all lovers endeavour to reach!


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