Re - Establisment Poem by jahanvi .......................

Re - Establisment

Rating: 5.0

On a noisy road
Packed with colourful four wheel tins
And concrete hearted living beings
I saw an unexpected gesture
Which made me rethink upon my opinions
The world which i termed as cruel
Can it also be kind?
The people who i termed as selfish
Can they also be selfless?
With the pace greater than speed of light
Every one running just to settle at desired height
To own and show
To indulge and forget
Will ny1 stop to look back at the damage they are doing?
To listen to the deeper voice within them
Which may force them to ponder;
What we are made of
Which they have forgotten in order to be sum1 else
They say, it all comes back
The things we do
They pay us in the end
In d same manner we paid when we had a turn
Still we commit the sins
We break, we hate
We lie, we cheat
Blinded by the limelight which made us loose our sight
The basic reason of life
With truth remaining constant.
We have to dig in
Like the dog searching for the comfort in the mud
To realise
To remake
To reunite
With mysteries we left behind
To undo things we left in trash
They say, its never too late
I believe them
We can change things
With the single act of love
Which will take us towards a journey
From noisy crowd to a peaceful sanity

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