How can one smile such sweet smiles,
When one is so saddened by sorrows for miles,
How can I smile the same smiles,
When life brings me nothing but tears,
I wondered for so long,
What reason you had to smile that long,
To keep smiling though troubles come,
And still remain sweet and silently overcome,
It's such a mystery to me,
Your smiles from heaven with glee,
I adore and yet envy thee,
But I'd rather you smile those at me,
I feel happy when I see you smile,
Even if I'm sad and lonely,
Your smiles bring me somewhere,
I don't even know where,
But it was you,
You gave me the reason to smile,
To smile with no reason,
To smile for a smile,
I guess life is just like that,
We need not a reason to smile,
For a smile is the reason itself,
To rejoice and open-heartedly give thanks,
I learned to smile because of you,
Because your smiles bring me joy when blue,
It proves how well and powerful,
A simple sweet smile can become so beautiful,
Smile for the sake of a smile,
Smile for the sake of happiness,
Smile for the sake of life,
Smile because of hope left in life,
Smile my friends,
Smile for me my Love,
Smile those same sweet smiles,
Smile so the world can be a peaceful dove...
Why is it when I maybe not be smillling but manage to put a smile someone else face it instantly make me smile. I believe hatred is an illness and that a smile can cure anything.
That is truely a brilliant poem and its actually made me smile (funny) It seems clever is well and nice words
thanx for these words because you answered a question that evry body asks me all the tike and the only answer i can give them is to smile back because they can't underestand me so lets smile because life worth it!
This i have to send around it is amazing! ! beautiful poem this poem made me smile and yes its true a smile is its own enjoyment... Anna xoxo
smiling is the best of mental attitude and expression of good feeling coming from the inner side of mind and makes the world happier. The poem is great.
Smiling is truly the way everyone should start out their morning. This is an enlightening poem! Love it!
great poem. i love smiling and everyone out there relax those fascial muscles with a smile.
i loved it! it made me smile :) thanks for the poem. made my day.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
smile is the best thing to do when we are sad. i love to smile because it will make me to others and u will get thousand of smile..forever smile..(-: