Refers Day! Poem by Denis Martindale

Refers Day!

Today's another 'Refers Day', when Christians preach Good News,
Referring lost souls so they pray and then the Saviour choose.
Who knows if you will pause in prayer with thanks Lord Jesus lives! ?
Who knows if you are called to share the Good News God forgives! ?

Three-minute sermons, maybe more, quote Jesus now and then,
Or prophecies that fill with awe, so some get born again.
Lord Jesus died for all not some, so preach of Calvary!
Who knows what signs and wonders come, God's healings yet to be?

It's hymns of praise and choruses that guide us from the start,
Referring lost souls to Jesus, to sing, 'How Great Thou Art'!
He who wins souls is truly wise! Eternity to bless!
To share the Saviour's Paradise and share His happiness!

Denis Martindale. Thursday, the 6th of October 2022.

The Gospel poem got shared on Revelation TV's
R-Mornings on Thursday, the 6th of October 2022.

It was interesting to learn over 2,200 languages have
yet to be translated and that Wycliffe Translators
have been working hard to get even more Bibles
distributed in these last days before the Rapture.

Refers Day!
Thursday, October 6, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: Gospel
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