Reflection On Old Age Poem by Jan Oskar Hansen

Reflection On Old Age

Reflection on old age.

When I was in my sixties, I wrote a poem
"Do I Dare to be old? "
Now almost twenty years later, I have no answer
it is down to luck and modern medicine.
Not that I have done anything beneficial regarding
my health, I was young once with all its drama
Love intrigues, cigarettes, booze and late nights.
I have long since gotten rid of the fear of death
it simply means the end of life, the privilege of being born.
I carry the grocery home, and always have
But I have got rid of my motorbike, which helped me
explore the land where I live
Walking is difficult; diabetes has seen to that.
A pacemaker keeps the heart ticking smoothly.
Although I drive my car daily, it is in the slow lane
to the irritation of cars behind me.
My physical strength, of which I was proud has gone
and since I'm not into mountain climbing.
It doesn't matter, except for carrying groceries that
is getting heavier the less I buy.
My writing is not getting anywhere; no fame knocks
the door of ego, I'm okay with this, the less unknown
I'm, suits me well.
My normality is a burden wish I had been an eccentric
long hair and sandals, as it is I'm bald.

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