Reincarnation: Chapter Five Poem by Lonnie Hicks

Reincarnation: Chapter Five

Rating: 2.9

Now before moving on to the next four lives, lets pause a bit to examine the Egyptian experience-a bit more in terms of its impact upon me.

The first one I discovered is that it impacted my view of women. Somewhere in the layers of my mind, consciousness of Isia’s experience imprinted within an understanding of what women historically have endured.

That experience, perhaps, as well has been imprinted in the unconscious mind of many women who may be now leading reincarnated lives. That seemed to me the case with Layla. She did seem to have anger there and it was directly connected with me, her past life protagonist.

Aside from being sensitive to women most of my life, I realized that that sensitivity also originated in the fact that I had led three past lives as a woman. At least I had a strong sense of important events in the lives of those three women. More on that later.

But beyond the gender issue is that the Isia experience, and later lives related to women, showed me on a visceral level that power was the issue over and above the gender issue.

No one male or female could be trusted, my past life sensibilities were telling me, could be trusted with such absolute power over other human beings, from the Romans, to the Greeks, running all the way to modern times. Women, men, children as the slaves of others was horrifying. Isia’s experience had become a part of me, I conclude this along with, of course, experiences I have had in this life as well.

Domination of one human being by another or others, does embitter the battered. Now I was aware that memories of that battering just might continue through past lives and subsume under personalities we meet every day. They are angry often seemingly with no justification, even if they are in comfortable circumstances in this life.

“Nothing seems to make you happy” may be a complaint better understood if we perceive that the person is reacting to past life, lived injustices, and that, it is clear, will include most of the people on the planet since very likely, most of us are descended from individuals who were in past lives, slaves, the conquered or the battered.

That hypothesis, if true, I started to perceive when I realized that half of everything I write is from the perspective of a woman. Why, I asked my self, am I writing from a female perspective? I gradually, after several explanations to my self (women’s emotional life is more complex and more interesting to me, explaining women to men, liking women) I realized that I was writing from the inside out about women, not from the outside in. I needed to know why I thought I could do that, and indeed often was compelled to do that.

The best answer turned out to be I had lived in past lives as a woman and was speaking in their voices in many of my writings.

Now this is a mouthful I know. I am not sure if I really believe it, but I am also not sure if I disbelief it either. As I look at the lives of the women I remember, dear reader, I seem to have a sense of how they lived and moreover, some of those experiences have showed up on specific writings.You dear reader can see what you think as we go through the stories.

A last consideration in this section relates to aptitudes, interests, and talents. I started to suspect that all of the varied interests that I have are related to past lives as well.

I can play the piano by ear. Where did that aptitude and interest come from? I am no virtuoso by any means, but I am more focused on why did it exist at all? One answer is that I, in a previous life, played a piano-like instrument for a living. Not a Mozart mind you, more like a lounge singer equivalent in the 18th century; sort of a bon mot playboy of the keyboards, much in demand by the matrons of a small set in Paris. True, who knows, but I will bet my powdered wig that it might have been true.

Secondly, I wonder about child prodigies. How did Mozart get so good so early? He was doing concerts before he was ten. Was he born with that talent? Seems likely, although we know his father surely pressed heavy training upon him as well.

So aptitude is a mystery without a past life explanation.

Finally, there is the Einstein point that past, present and future all co-exist simultaneously. Eager beaver that I am, I began to take that idea seriously and see if that manifested itself in any way in my writing.

Probably just my imagination but at times in writing that I do feel I go into some kind of trance and words and ideas flow but I can’t account for their exact origins in my brain. The quantum people complicate things by insisting that the very electrons in my brain can be in contact with other brains, and those same electrons can be in many different places in the universe in the same time and space. I assure you this is the theory, and there is much experimental evidence to prove it.

But for me, then does that mean, that I and others, all of us perhaps have a future version of our selves also participating in our present life creative process?

Weighty thoughts you think?

Next time: the young girl in medieval times who was sent to a nunnery.

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