
There are three major celebrated religions in our society
Judaism, Christianity and Islam among its own perplexity
The people reflects its own life according to the Torah, Koran and the Bible
Having its own understanding of what is right from what is wicked
In each one's belief the word of God are both Holy and also Sacred
The Muslims have the Crescent Moon to symbolize their faith and devotion
While the Christians have the Cross and Christ as the light of all creation
Finally the Jews have the Six-pointed Star of David being the chosen people
Being the symbol of their own God whom they worship in their Temple
So the Holy Bible being the word of the exalted God written in his will
But could everything written in its pages could be valid or could be real
When it was entrusted to those people who are also weak and corruptible
People who are made of flesh just like us capable of lies and deception in their mind
People who make quick judgment in the absence of rationality which we try to find
People who make judgment based on what they've read without making logical conclusions
Who condemns or judge as they watch others thinking that they're right in their decisions
A Testament which was written when men was seeking for knowledge and enlightenment
Words that could no longer have any relevance now yet still seeking for acknowledgement
People who enjoys reading the Bible and who loves to criticize others for what they know
Even though what they've read could already be wrong for what God will reveal and show
What even took your Christ thousands of years to comeback and reveal his face
For my God Abraham ended slavery, saved a nation and united the human race
How could you even conclude that Christ in fact died to redeem the sins of humanity
Perhaps the Romans just made a clear and honest mistake in knowing Christ's identity
Was there even an asteroid heading for earth if Christ wasn't even crucified
No! That's my job to do so as the Destroyer as I am now publicly identified
Its lunacy to think that we will be adding the murder of Christ to the mistakes we've made
That only through his agonizing and painful death will all make our sins completely paid
To die for our sins wasn't clearly the objective of Christ or even the truth of the matter
For only through the death of an Olympian God could bring such a change to the latter
So the Romans and Jews took the blame for the Son of God's untimely fall
To hide the true identity of Christ by means of praying on their crying wall
Did you even wonder why is there a Greek God Apollo on the Book of Revelation
Chapter 9 and verse 11 which coincides with the attacks on several US location
So the Roman Church had made a deception to cover up their misdeed
For killing the Son of God would have some savage consequences indeed
By making up stories of the glorious and miraculous life of the Messiah
The destruction of the Greek and Roman Empire was the outcome of the life that was taken
The death of Christ led to the ultimate eradication of the civilization which was once spoken
So the Romans manage to drag us to the mess by labeling us Roman Catholics as our creed
For the compensation of the mistakes they've already done and where we must try to heed
For Christ became one of us from time to time to experience glory
As a Hero or a Defender who fights and bleed for us in every story
The shooting of Jose Rizal resulted to the destruction of the Spanish Empire
When America had engaged Spain in Naval and Land conflict or battle
Leaving Spain behind a territory which is just enough yet so very little
For the Pendulum always swings either from right to left or also left to right
Just by looking at Lincoln's memorial I know who is an Olympian in my sight
Back then the sins of men were too light to make a call of such extinction
Christ wasn't sent as a redeemer but rather a means of simple complication
For the Romans were consumed by too much selfishness and too much greed
And Apollo saw his opportunity and chance to actually do his intended deed
For as long as the Romans and Greeks carry our Olympian banner
We are somehow tied-up to the commitment at a certain manner
Only the destruction of the wicked Roman Empire had finally set us free
To raise our banner once and for all in America where everyone could see
The Nazi Third Reich would have been the return of the Olympians
The Golden Age of Ideology, Culture, Technology and Cure
But wasn't allowed by Zeus who is both sincere and pure
For the Foundation of the Third Reich would have been the collapse of the West
And according to my Father America is still considerably the one and only true best
The power which the Eternal City of Rome once possessed is now only just a facade
No longer the Mighty or Glorious Empire which we once ruled and is just truly sad
The highest and purest form of religion which we carry the Greek Mythology
The war in the future which will not be fought by religion but by ideology
The Jewish people whom are loyal to my father would be our ally in this struggle
Just look at our technology of war in the Third Reich seen in almost every angle
No one will die for your sins humanity if you are all guilty of your crimes
For the Church has limited power just look at all the deaths in our times
The Bible was written to fill in the void in times of great desperation and confusion
Working as some sort of a riddle to be solved by who is worthy in the Hebrews decision
For we Olympians had hidden our secrets in the Bible for our return in your reality
And we had chosen Israel to be the keeper of the Covenant of our true identity
For Christ even failed to convince the Romans to change their own behavior
Such failure to the eyes of the fools who considered themselves to be superior
Without his powers directly in his own hands Christ foresaw his own death
For even as Immortal that he was he is still human in flesh and in breathe
Upon Apollo's death the name Christ became so famous and popular
And to honor the name that Apollo wore upon his doom in particular
For thousands of years our Olympian names were hidden in the Testament
Until we've waited for things to pass and for the exactly right moment
Eventually the significance and relevance of the Bible will disappear or fade
And a Newer Testament in accordance to the present times will be made
The Jews will be set free from the wish and obligation which they now solemnly hold
For the true creators of life itself who are the Olympians have now truthfully told
And my marriage to the woman from the new heaven which is the Land of the Free
Shall take place in the presence of all the Gods for everyone to hear and to see
For America will be the staging point of every continental conquest in the near future
And as a God of Olympus we will bring the change and order according to the Scripture
For the Jews and Christians had been working together in relation and in partnership
Although the Jews belongs to the Father and the son is the one the Christian's worship
Never deny the name Abraham Lincoln to be the God of the Gentiles and Jews
For we will cause a major disaster as our own evidence to be seen on the news
Even Christ the Redeemer himself had a father and a family to call upon as his own
And we had already revealed the consequences of your actions with what we've shown
With our Poetry and your disrespectful attitude we had shown you the proof
Proof shown by our own Adam Lanza, Elliot Rodgers and even Dylann Roof
From all the disasters that no saints and no churches were able to stop
For we require no worship but rather the right action in reaching the top
We had given you great miracles without even getting the recognition
For you had your own blind faith relating to your own explanation
We Olympians would never demand money or riches as a form of offering
But rather contributions, aides, help and support to those suffering
Simple flowers or candles would do from where our Statues and Temples dwell
Not the ones which are expensive in the form of business purchase which they sell
As you could see America spends from their national budget to honor his name
Unlike the church of today who had brought us so much humiliation and shame
Collecting as much wealth and fortune as they can for their own selfish interest
These are the types of greed and ignorance that could lead to human extinction
So pray to God that we wont lose our patience or we wont be making any distinction
Under the Olympian rule life is very simple rather than being complicated
For most matters are resolved by reasoning for being quite sophisticated
Education is focused primarily on learning rather than wasting and spending
Wasting and spending on classes that has no relevance to your career in the ending
Cure or medicine is cheaper for we abolish the tyranny of syndicated corporations
Who overwhelmingly overprice the medicines because of government connections
This is not a plea but rather a threat to all of humanity
That change is needed or face the extinction of your reality

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