Religious Poem by Bob Gotti


Religious friend is when you see, no change in one’s activity,
As their life still continues on, from the evening into the dawn.
While continuing through their day, living on that broader way,
Living their life, as in the night, with The Lord God not in sight.

Christ is not the spiritual head, as they lean on religion instead,
Religious icons and man’s ways, denying Christ His due praise,
Recognizing God to some extent, but not in ways Heaven sent,
As they are not Born Again, following ways prescribed by men.

Religion my friend has no part, when Christ truly has your heart,
As God’s Holy Spirit, dwells inside, in Christ’s ways, you abide,
Refraining from religious views, as you spread The Good News,
Truth right from God’s Throne, that you’re saved by Christ alone.

Christ separated from religion, displaying to men some derision,
Painting for all, a clear picture, for all who dare malign Scripture,
Those who follow their own desire, ignoring God throned higher,
Christ the Head of His Church, not bodies where many do perch.

Our Lord Himself, did condemn, the religious body built by men,
And Christ shall never change, which brings religion much shame,
Religious ritual is an abomination, to Him who provides salvation,
In and through The Savior, Christ, God’s Only Way to Eternal Life.

(Copyright ©06/2011)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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