Remarking On The Unremarkable Poem by C Richard Miles

Remarking On The Unremarkable

How hard it is to make remarks
On that which is so unremarkable:
To write fine lines about a subject
That inspires the mind and captivates
There needs to be something said
That's somewhat spectacular and not
Just everyday vernacular to make
Our oracular skill spill over and thrill.

And yet it is the everyday, that strays,
And flicks succinctly from your lips
In all your waking hours it's the trivia
That's ever with you and won't forgive you
And as you battle through the prattle
It's a double struggle to rummage
To uncover something intelligible
From amongst the verbal muddle.

We grunt our functional requests
Nevertheless, I guess, and press on
With our daily round as we spout
About how we found last night's
Viewing something worth doing
Or gossip about what it was that
Stopped us as we popped to the shop
Or how the cost of living isn't dropping.

Yes, when it comes to to render
Into words that which we heard
As part of daily life seems quite
A strife that we find difficult.
And the extraordinary is so much
More possible for us to comment on
That just the boring ordinary and use
Such purple prose it make us proud.

Yet it is the ordinary, the unremarkable
That takes and makes up so much
Of our time that clamours, hammering
For us to notice its importance.
And so perhaps it taxes us to stop
And recognise the prize that lies hidden
In the humdrum; Let us thus un-dumb
Ourselves and strive to tell it as is it is.

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