Renaissance Poem by Drich The Poet


Call me the Duke of Silence,
I resonate with the six elders at the Gala.
I would rather commend a madman for saving a cat,
Than applaud politicians in SUVs,
Wearing first-class Royce,
While we suffer in harsh economic downfall.

Renaissance is my diploma,
I've come to see through all peers,
Shady thoughts and unclear actions.
Living is now a matter of,
"What do you bring to the table? "
Youthful pride in contrast to,
"Why should I answer that? "

Suffering childhood memories,
Seems to be the best phase of my life.
Would I wake up to be given stacks of duty to perform,
And still shine a smile in doing it?
Yet in my heyday, I languish.

I'm in a state of life,
Where I witness everything,
And I'm a vessel of secrets,
But I would never speak.
Should I die in it,
So be it, and lead me to misfortune,
For I was conceived in a stained world.

I want to be there with you,
But I ask, do you want to be there with me?
Put all that away and see my happiness.
I wonder if there is any love for me,
Seeking it but afraid to confront it.
The lips that uttered such three words,
And planted seeds of hope in me,
Have left me shattered because of,
The previous question.
Down to earth, I weep, "I'm innocent."

I'm an African child raised to hate my people,
But like to carry a gun.
Imprinted ink on paper seems to carry more value,
Than a life carried for nine months with pains.
The war has just begun. Vanguard!
I'm not here to tell a love story.

I want to be reborn,
Reborn in a world of truth and honesty,
And sometimes wish I was never there.
There are dark souls seeking freedom,
From the pandemic we have placed on ourselves called the human race.

All these days on Earth have,
Made me pile up a lot of experience,
That I'm sure can be a safe place to ponder. Safe Haven.
Drich would be there for everyone,
But everyone would be there for everyone,
If you know what it means.
A new world awaits me. I know.

It's beautiful to live,
But it's dreadful to live outside and die inside.
Within, you know there is a graveyard,
For you have sacrificed a lot for your peers.
Now all I see is black and white.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: be free,reader,college
It's a new time for Drich The Poet. The collection is going to shake some heads. Pls read and leave a feedback
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