Republican ' Sandburs! ' Poem by Long Tooth

Republican ' Sandburs! '

Republican sandburs are such an annoyance,
This kind of a weed seems to love to hitch ride,
They scoff at man's brotherhood, scorn to share taxes
Humanity sometimes, well, feels set aside.

Of course, there are weeds among Democrats also
Whose sins are more social but flow more with tide.
Republican sinners though are just such beginners,
Like teens who feel randy, without any pride.

'Right' wants what they want, let the devil take hindmost,
When wealthy folks write the laws, guess who gets screwed?
"I've got mine! You get yours! Of course, rich are privileged! "
Your new job's low pay? So ungrateful and rude!

For children of rich folk, their birth makes them better,
Advantage though blinds them, and logic is crude,
Folk's wealth opens doors and encourages loathing
Of self, as entitled exploit those subdued!

Is voter suppression a difficult concept?
Unequal pay prove that a man's work's worth more?
Division of labor improve a home's value?
Does sharing of power make life more a chore?

Does taking advantage of folks make you happy?
Your friend disrespected, does he then explore?
Does God hate the peacemaker? Just loves a winner?
Does He praise barns raised or amenable door?

I'm sure that the Dems do blow trunks of mouse haters,
The swell who make Demons of Jews and most Blacks,
Who know most their wives are much smarter than they are,
There's no way in Hell these fools ever relax!

Their "Lock them up! Lock them up! " screams they're just lemmings.
"Just die! " 'Right' translated, the point of attacks!
Sharia Law model for "God knows I'm Right! " folks,
Sure compromise Kool-Aid kills more than "Fake Facts! "

Long Tooth
Oct 17,2018

Poet's Notes:
To my many Republican friends who I know this poem will annoy,
can you not extend at least the Grace that this poem offers you to
your more liberal "brothers in Christ? " We all know we sin all the time,
in spite of our desire to follow Christ. Consider the pain you inflict
on the planet when you are not open to other's viewpoints and
their right to have them. Surely being "Dead Right" leaves something
to be desired.

Thursday, October 18, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love and friendship,political humor
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