Resistance No More~~~ Poem by Chuy Amante

Resistance No More~~~

Resistance no more,
who'll even the score?

Where I encounter bump,
that I will dump

Flowing forward in current, by inertia

You'll stop my sacred flow?

It kinda un-earths ya
~~~ ~~~ ~~~

A man who takes no more opposition
sounds bigoted, pigheaded
a real decomposition

Is that really where
my heart does lay?
Or is there more,
but no one wills to say?

A soul perfecting
in good grace,
should ever slow
the holy pace?

Flow now I must
thru non resistance
when that disappears,
heavens open entrance

Where I go
right here and now,
is out of the way,
a continual perfect flow

'Where he stops nobody knows'
'last we seen was him in the flow'

Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Chuy Amante

Chuy Amante

You are Perfect!
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