Rest In Peace.. Poem by Anastacia Zaytseva

Rest In Peace..

Rest in peace, my dearest friend,
My loved one, my cherished, or just someone I knew.
We've played together, fooled around.
Yesterday you were here, and now you're gone.
The memories shared will never fade,
Neither will your spirit within these walls.
You've left a spot in my life that could never be filled,
You're not here anymore, it's just too hard to believe.
You've showed me the way, when I've lost all the hope,
You've pulled me from the ground, when nobody else could.
I walk pass the places where we used to meet,
Tears fill my eyes, remembering things I once forgot.
God has his reasons, but I still can't figure out why,
Why are you gone, and I'm still alive.
What is the purpose, of me living without you,
You've given me joy, taught me never to doubt you.
This pain that I feel, with happiness can be never replaced,
Just hope now you're somewhere, in a better place.
Looking down on us, and saying that it's going to be alright,
Though we feel like, sun's not shining as bright.
I know that you're not around us anymore,
But in my heart will forever live, the love.
The one and only, love for you,
The love for your greatness and all that you used to do.
Like a rose with no hornes, so purest of heart,
Whenever I'd ask you for something, there was never a 'but'.
You'd always jump to my rescue,
Like a mother to her child,
And I thank you for that,
For you were one of a kind.

I only hope, that all the people we've lost so far, are in a better place
right now, looking down on us and smiling with appreciation that we
are still holding on, and thinking about them, and will never, ever
forget their greatness, and what difference they brought to our lives..

May Their Souls Rest In Peace..

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