Rhythm Of The Ocean Blues Poem by Axley Jade Blaze

Rhythm Of The Ocean Blues

Kick-shaw of the velvety, rippling waves
Moods like wrinkled water
A discontent that appears a misinterpreted calm.
The ocean blues seem so harmless.
But, do not mistake the lack of fury
For a calm, she will never have
There's a perfidious storm gaining momentum
There's a conflict inside the sea of her mind, bound to turn from deep greys, blacks, and blues
To saturated oranges, fire-lit reds, and fluorescent yellow hues!

The fatigue alone from too many cries, too many 'whys', too many suicidal 'I want to dies'
Thus far, has provoked emotional impotence.
But, alas! —be aware:
Soon it will metamorphose
As the hostility becomes fully equipotent
Birthing violence—the infuriate erection!
That exhausting sadness replaced by something more fiery:
She's trading up.
Decided to marry the mistress after-all; fury, Passion.
Versus staying with the predictable housewife; gloominess. Indifference.

Those ocean blues, baby—
Nobody realizes there's a psychlonic+ disturbance on the way.
Nobody for-sees the Tsunami which has been brewing.

© copyright 2018-2024 Rhythm of the Ocean Blues

+Purposely misspelled

Rhythm Of The Ocean Blues
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: depression,mental illness
Bernard F. Asuncion 19 October 2018

Nicole, such a well crafted poem......................

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