Rm29. Niranjananda Swami Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Rm29. Niranjananda Swami


Nagasundaram, Ramana'sbrother
Who came there with his mother,
Got himself settled as a sanyasi
With a new name Niranjanananda Swami.

He managed the Ashram efficiently
And laid many conditions strictly
Like the one, "No work, No food, "
His strictness, no one there liked.

On account of his sincere efforts
There came several buildings,
Like dining halls, rest rooms,
And new facilities for devotees.

As cheap edition of the book
"Who am I? " he only took
For publishing many copies
And collecting sizable funds.

As Ramana, he liked animals.
A puppy dog, very small,
Was bitten by a grown up pig,
Inflicting wounds, deep and big.

He took the animal in a basket,
O'er his head he carried it
To the town veterinary hospital
For treatment until it became well.

On 17-03-1949, the temple work
After his ten year's hard work,
Got finished, and was ready for use
Because of his very sincere efforts.

Many great religious leaders
Came there, with their followers,
And the temple was opened by them
On an auspicious day and time.

His last days were approaching
On the bed he was instructing
His successor, Venkataraman
Before all his known persons.

"This Ashram belongs to Bhagavan, "
He treated Ramana as God incarnation,
So, he used to call him as Bhagavan,
The living God worshiped by everyone.

"Take best care of his properties.
Be sincere in all your actions,
Be truthful to all the devotees.
Ramana will bless you always."

He then saw Ramana's picture,
Hanging straight on the wall there,
And chanting his divine name aloud
From this mundane world he departed.

Saturday, December 15, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: saint
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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