Roadblock Poem by Tiger Lily Love


So your affections lie with another
And after everything you put me through
I imagined I'd be more infuriated
Not with her but with you

And when the news came crashing down on me
I was ready to feel that pain again
The same I felt
When you once uttered the words
'We can still be friends'

Yet that drowning sensation never came
No my world didn't fall apart
And most shocking of all
Not a single ache
Came from my once broken heart

The skies didn't go mournful grey
But remained blue & clear
My eyes remained dry as the desert
Not a single salty tear

I've come such a long way from you
And I was ready to take a hundred sets back
But I like the view better from where I'm standing
And I realize now that without you
There's nothing that I lack

So your affections lie with another
I hope for her you truly care
I hope she doesn't have to learn the hard way
That you're not the type to play fair

Yes your affections lie with another
But that thought won't haunt me at night
Because the fact of the matter is
You were a roadblock
That I overcame
On this winding road I call life

Aria Siren 21 May 2013

Bravo my dear! Just like a winding road the beginning started out afraid and unsure of what lies ahead, but as the poem winds on you find yourself pleasently surprised with the scenery and the destination. He was a roadblock, a detour taking you somewhere better. Glad you're there :) Very nice job. PS: kind of reminds me of the song 'cool' by gwen stefani. after all the obstacles it's good to see you now with someone else. circles and triangles and now we're hanging out with your new girlfriend. so far from where we've been.

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