Roommate Poem by Nassy Fesharaki



Many books that we read
-on, about, history, stories
-are good for trash-bins…
-unaware are writers
-and most of journalists!

They write of limited that they
-see, feel, and then, interpret!

Can ever non-Muslim be Muslim?
-unless to pretend?
-for fooling the others, and himself?

How can a filthy rich feel peasant?
- (Unless is Lev Tolstoy
-to donate all his wealth!)

How can a master feel a slave?
-unless to write a book to divert,
-create the book of "Uncle Tom? "

How can a crazy in White House?
-feel people, born and raised in-around
-Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Yemen?
-or parts of Asia to Russia?

Can ever USA speak in the same tongue?
- (as does the Ottawa with sitters in Riyadh,)
-No cheating was here, honestly elected;
-other two, patriarch dictators…

Hey, papers, media…
-the searchers for body
-and slaves to wrong jobs,
-go get lost and shut up!

You, puppets of power!
You slaves of markets!
You who run for money!

Go get lost and shut up!

Open eye and ear
- (if by chance have any!)
-listen-read following stories
-and sit in a corner, silently
-breathe deep in calmness
-then take pen, if you dare
-and rewrite the reports, articles
-get close to the facts, be real.

Verify Canada's loneliness
-in facing Saudis! ! !

But before everything
-ignore if it was meant
-to end where has ended!

I, poet, was cadet
-studied English in US Air Force Base
- (named Lackland in Texas!)

Had roommate, a sergeant,
-of Riyadh; took whisky
-like a fish, playing in water!

Both of us were Muslims
-forbidden to drink alcohol.

I prayed to Allah
-he did not…
-I was lost, surprised
-on how can a neighbour of Kaaba
-be distanced of Islam, and faithless! ?

He gave me the reply
- (not too loud, not very clear)
-neither was English-fluent,
-answered with struggle:

"Freedom! "
"Freedom! "
"Freedom! "

He told me of Royals:
- "They import containers,
-offload in their palace;
-then wrap them in paper
-and sell them to others
-millions they pocket …
-and nation is deprived! "

My roommate envied me,
- "You can buy and drink in Iran
-if so wish and if want;
-therefore you…"

He also told me of
-the corrupt, corruption
-and abuse of power
-and getting many wives
-thanks to wealth and power.

Then, I was too young and less aware!
-He became my teacher and reference
-for lot of what have learned, till today.
-Spent time and gathered, in detail,
-by reading, by research, as well as travels
-that taught me to speak Koran's tongue!

The so-called leaders of Saudi
-can be known only if recognised
-deep in time, and followed
-with Lawrence in Hejaz
-and even further on
-to time of Mohammad!

Saudis are slaves to US, Britain
-and market, and money and power
-but cruel dictators to nation and locals;
-with help of those around with same mind!

They bark as do the dogs
-when near their masters
-and their tails between legs
-when distanced, far away…

Is such an animal of mankind?

Hey, papers, media…
Go get lost and shut up!

Behind bars of Mullahs
-found friends old and young
-of Baluch's detained…

Nosey or curious
-eager to learn as much
-I led them to tell me
-stories of culture.

The best two that I loved
-were finding friend and
-father-son training…

"Son came to his father
-and talked of friendship with police.
-Father warned the son of:
- "Faithless Pigs;
-never there when you need!
-They are the slaves to their masters
-who themselves are slaves, brainless
-with laws and articles that changes…"
-Finally: "Police is a simple enforcer! "

Father felt approaching at his end.
-He called his oldest son,
-the first of the three; then told him:
- "Take your share and go on with your life,
-it is yours, use your mind and decide…"
-Son went off for long time…
-worried was the father for six months.
-Son spoke of things done, houses, shops
-were purchased in varied cities, towns.
-With son's joy, dad smiled.

Time came for second son who went off;
-he delayed far about twice and reported;
-visiting farms and shops and houses
-of older brother: "Abandoned, and
-turned to the mice den;
-nothing but loss and waste! "

Father and siblings, jaws fallen
-heard second brother when talking.
-Then he said buying home in each town!
-How can one repeat the same mistake?
- (mistake seen and observed!)
-The young man amended:
- "Made friends everywhere
-and they are my source to warm bed,
-fresh food and water; when needed."

Hey, papers, media…
Go get lost and shut up!

Saudi is nothing but slave
-to the wolf and to fox
-taught to bite, harm neighbors
-and others; as ordered!

Hey, papers, media…
Go get lost and shut up!

Never dare to set up
-on same page, Riyadh and Ottawa!

No, never!
No, never!
No, never!

And always remember
-those who say are friends
-must not hide in shelters
-and keep mouths tightly shut
-and not damn the Riyadh.
-Remember the advice of father
-when he called the police:
- "Faithless Pigs! "

Hey, papers, media…
Go get lost and shut up!

Slogan against you can only
-change, if you, divert and
-you open eye, ear…
-I insist and I mean:
- "Only and only if have any! ! ! "

Leave Trump's tantrum,
Remember Hurricane Maria?
(Porto Rico's)
Remember Canada's "Bill of Rights, "
Hear what US says: "Space Force! "
Reopen the pages: "parents and children! "
Read poem of "Schwartz" the "Claire"
(taking a language to polish a wound but…)

Hey, papers, media…
Go get lost and shut up!

Claire says:
". A poem is evidence of nothing.
-You cannot prosecute with poem."

Neither laws nor journals!

Hey, papers, media…
-never dare to set up
-on same page
-Riyadh and Ottawa!

No, never!
No, never!
No, never!

Think of my classmate,
Think of the Baluchi's,
Think of old history,
Think of the dog and pig,
Think of the Uncle Tom.

And if not, go shut up!

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