Rooted And Grounded Poem by Gary James Smith

Rooted And Grounded

Rating: 5.0

Rooted and Grounded

Rooted and grounded in love
What sure foundation this
Having our hope in Jesus Christ
A recipient of God's righteousness
The impact of sins forgiven
True joy replacing despair
And peace beyond all comprehension
All of these things we share

Beset by temptations and trials
Our faith endures each one
For watered we are by the Word of God
Strengthened by belief in the Son
And the Holy Spirit now leading
As we walk this pilgrim way
Growing in our faith and seeking
To do the will of the Father each day

With anticipation and certainty
We live out of His love
And seek to share our new found faith
Until we are called above
Planted in this so great Salvation
Praise God for His offering
With branches spread out in arms of love
Come now and meet the King!

No firmer foundation has this world ever known
A foundation that cannot be shaken
For man's greatest enemy the enemy called death
It's penalty our Lord's fully taken
A marvellous infinite change takes place
When we trust in that Crucified One
Come be ye saved and planted by faith
Then rooted and grounded inlove

Copyright March 192018 8: 41am

Gary James Smith

Monday, March 19, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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