Rose ๐ŸŒน Poem by Sandra Black

Rose ๐ŸŒน

Rating: 5.0

Only one butterfly in the garden
A rose one does not want to be
Spurned repeatedly by the bee
Watching the butterfly
Flit flower to flower

The rose suffers very quitely
She is not needed always
She is not wanted anyways
She is just one of many
In a garden so unreal

Yet another flower blooms today
And the rose is forgotten for the day
Her soft petals curl up now
She shrivels sadly
And begins to frown

A life of bliss tis not to be
Even the gardener had now let her be
Soon she refuses to sip the dew
Sheds now tears a few
Refuses to bloom for any bee

The Gardner comes back one fine morn
The rose of her beauty was surely shorn
He plucks it out and kisses it best
My dear twas merely a test he says
You have been saved you were the very best

He presses her to his bosom now
Places her between pages of his bible brown
There she rests now for centuries
The bloom lives on for eternity
Generations see and love her bloom

She who couldn't make the bee swoon
Is now the cynosure of all in the room
She is now loved by all
A prayer is said and kissed by all
She is happy now she exudes perfume

Saturday, November 24, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: rose
Kumarmani Mahakul 16 June 2019

She who couldn't make the bee swoon Is now the cynosure of all in the room She is now loved by all A prayer is said and kissed by all She is happy now she exudes perfume......nice poetic expression. This is really a beautiful poem on rose having an intensive inscriptiion. Thanks for sharing.10

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