Sadness, Sorrow, Darkness Poem by Timothy Long

Sadness, Sorrow, Darkness

tears drop, and fall to the cold ground into the dead roots, you just sat there smiling knowing it was coming, i should of known too, but i was to foolish to see the signs, the shadows in the night are hollow, as the wolfs with an ominious view of the world and howels at the moon, i fight to stay alive in this cold, cold world with unforgiving karma, in hope that the gods will spare the darkness and free the good, the rain signifies that death is coming and no mortal can stop him, the sun come out and the aura of dead souls in a cloud of darkness vanished, the dark abyss is rising, now your gone, and i barely gotten to know you, i swallow my painful loss, why have you done this? i wait for an awnser but all i got was nothing, was that what i meant to you? nothing? im sorry your gone but it's over now, it's finally over, tears drop and fall to the cold ground into the dead roots, the rain falls on my face as i fight to stay alive, even though your no longer by my side

Timothy Long

Timothy Long

Auburn, New York
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