Save The Human Embryo Poem by Dr John Celes

Save The Human Embryo

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If man cannot protect his own species,
Then, who else will?
If man cannot ensure life’s dignity,
Then, who else will?

If man cannot preserve womb’s sanctity,
Then, who else will?
If man will not allow emerging life,
Then, who else will?

Life’s life, however big or small;
Life is precious to every beast and all;
The Life-Giver hasn’t allowed man to kill,
Why take the lives God-made within the womb
Although healthy, and not quite ill?

Should man not love his own offsprings?
Who can decide who’s wanted, unwanted?
God calls the unborn child by name!
Man should not call its birth, a shame!

Only the fool would spill the seed
Upon the ground that’s meant for it,
And seeing sproutlings come out, bit by bit,
Prevent their growth, by every means he thinks fit!
Why spill the seeds at all in the first place?

No man has rights to kill or maim,
The innocent, unarmed and downtrodden;
If serving man is man’s prime aim,
He can’t serve God in ways hidden!

No God who gives the breath of life to clay,
And calls these forms man and woman,
Would ev’r accept their right to kill and say,
‘Science must be fostered in every way! ’

Copyright by Dr John Celes 3-11-2009

Dr John Celes 11 March 2009

thank you all for your good comments. These are days of scientific revolutions.Science has to be used for the good of mankind. However, God allows man full freedom to use, abuse or misuse and take responsibility for the results. Man ought to be extra-cautious in ensuring that morality and ethics are not ignored and so also the conscience, in choosing methods for furthering research in science. thank you, dr john celes

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Goran Gustafsson 11 March 2009

Lalitha Lyer wrote: 'When a Creation is devoid of the Original meaning then it will be exterminated. That is Natural Law.' Then, what is the original meaning? ?

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Lalitha iyer 11 March 2009

The human race hs to be exterminated or ended soon, because we are losing our quality, character and the components which the Creator initially made us of. Now, we are materialists, terrorists, fanatics, dictators and our hearts are all full of inhuman tendencies and our field of activity is very very disastrous. The man in the human beings is wiped off. Now, children are a curse and sad thing to be born. Their life a torture. Worly is growing intolerably and unbelievably inhuman. Y have the body of human and behave like an animal. Poor God, he himself has implanted in the minds of men a way to stop this ghastly destructive spirit. After all, if goodness ends up or the proportion of goodsness dwindles, then what is the purpose of Creation. God created for the sake of happiness, richness, love and friendliness. Not, just for littering babies without any sign of baby beauty and brought to a world with no sign of humanity. Every animal always maintains its own character, quality and standard. Man alone has degenerated to the worst extent. He has degraded to the extremes. When divinity is gone from the human spheres, the meaningfullness of this creation is loss. When a Creation is devoid of the Original meaning then it will be exterminated. That is Natural Law.

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Linda Ori 11 March 2009

A powerful statement on a very controversial subject. I agree with what you write here, yet I pose this question. If everything comes from God, then from whence comes this unending question regarding stem cell research and the need for it? Nothing in nature is constant - could this be a natural progression of evolution and the means of healing the body that up to now we had no understanding of? I don't believe medical research is a random process - the answers are out there just waiting to be tapped into. Is learning not also a divine process? Just thinking.

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anurag duggal 11 March 2009

sublime write, ., I really enjoyed this poem, yes the idea has been covered many times before, but i sesnse a real freshness in this poem there are some great lin es in this poem, i dnont ogten get to read your work but am always pleases when I do. best wishews

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Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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