Saying Goodbye To Myself, And Hating It. Poem by Kynthia Rosgeal

Saying Goodbye To Myself, And Hating It.

Rating: 5.0

The time is coming, I know it
but, I don't want to admit it, neither
do you, this hurts a lot more than
I thought it would. It was supposed

to be liberating, exciting, but it is more
sad, than anything else. You are a part
of me now, no longer the other way
around. Were you as scared when

I became? Are you as scared and'
hurt as I am now? Do you feel it closing
around you suffocating you? Oh God
I don't want to hurt you, but your killing

me, sweetie. This is for the best. I HATE
that saying, someone has to hurt,
someone has to go. Honey, I love
you, but, you have to go. You took

the best care of me you knew, but,
your toxic. The masculinity you worked
so hard to prove, only proved I was
destined to be, eventually. And

you knew.

I love you, I'm so sorry.

Lyn Paul 10 July 2016

Incredibly moving and I can see a few different scenarios. Thank You Kynthia and all the best for your future.

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Kynthia Rosgeal

Kynthia Rosgeal

Fairfield, California
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