Secret Life Poem by Clinton Siegle

Secret Life

Secret Life of Clinton R. Siegle's

eternity is staring me in the face.

Coming from distance places I see the Creators face.

Reality is something to realize that there is more than one of me.

Eternity is speaking to the human race.

Time to change reality.

Life is coming to an end

indeed. January 15th will start an end.

Forever, will be remembered as an end

eternity is coming to an end.

Boundaries are what make imagination grow. The belief that there is nothing other then this world makes a person's reflection on imagining a greater universe experience something a brand new each time a fresh book shows up.

The pages show what could be or would be if there were other worlds out there. Similar to our own, however, different the tale be told.

Mentally, this tale takes place in La Paz, Bolivia. May 18th,2016 I spent 45 years, one month, and 23 days on that exact same planet earth. It was on the outside of the galaxy. The spiral right arm per a famous author "Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue-green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea." Douglas Adams I think came from my world. Not that it matters anymore. However, if you view NASA nowadays you realize earth is now inside the galaxy not outside nor anywhere near the western spiral arm.

Physically, having one's mind swapped for a parallel world is something. From May 19th through August, I traveled to another earth on a daily basis. I saw history re written; I saw people live and die that I knew nothing about. Historically, on my earth Abe Lincoln was a senator similar to Hillary Clinton recollection. I saw Bob Crane die in 77,78, and 79. I have seen geographically New Zealand as one island, then two islands, above and below Austrilia. The changes are something to see.

Literally I have been kidnapped for one of the greatest adventures in mankind. I realize few people will understand. My Bolivian Doppelganger wife has taken me to a shrink who remember the world differently too but insist on past lives has literally changed my way of thinking about what is fiction and what is non-fiction.

Figuratively I am not speaking that this world is worse than mine. There are many things to this world that I find wild. The world population on my world was 8.5 billion the 8th billionth person was considered a baby girl in India in 2014. Here I wonder where did 1.2 billion people went during the same timeframe. Example the United States was missing 43 million people. Figuratively I had to know. I searched and searched until I realized Abe Lincoln on my world saved half a million people. While here they murdered 1.2 million people in my world the civil war cost 545,343 people. That half a million-plus people turned the United States into a bigger population.

To summaries, I am still searching. The worlds are conversely changing. Like the sun for 45 years was yellow on my world. Here your space fence is up in 2003 causing the sun to change to white. That colourless color melted your ice cap because white snow and white light evidently do not reflect the heat. Somewhere as I remember an ice cap as late as May 2016. The world is mine to travel for a time. The end is near, remember God.

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