Secret Thoughts Poem by 7Shadows Teed

Secret Thoughts

Rating: 0.5

I keep going on about the pain I have...
I keep saying this is my way of copping with it.
I'm sorry for the things I’ve said that have hurt you.

I will love you till the end.
I will die for you in a second if I had to.
I'd do anything for you.

I fall asleep at night,
Thinking of you.
Even though we hardly talk right now you still calm me.
I don't know what I'd do if you were to die.

Be lost I guess.
I'm at a loss for words right now cause I’m not sure what to say.
You seem to be trying to move on and yet you seem to failing in some way.
I wish I could help you,
But I guess I can't since your dieing as you put it.

Just remember that if you ever need someone I'm here.
I may not be the best person to lean on but at least it's a lil help I can offer.
I keep saying it over...
But I do fear losing contact with you.

I don't know what more to say right now.
I'm at a loss for words.
I guess...
In some way...
I'm trying to say sorry for the pain and for not being able to make you be happy like I use to be able to.
I guess I’ve failed again.

I can't forget you,
Never will.
You’re my passion as I’ve told you before...
You’re my moon.

My world is in ruins without you.
I guess they won't get rebuilt either.
Did I mess up?
Not one bit...

I don't regret loving you.
I regret us leaving each other.
Other then that I don't regret what we had...
And I guess still have,
Even though I’m not sure if you still have it anymore.

It hurts not getting a kiss anymore...
Or hearing I love you.
I suppose when I should have stopped the pain to keep it form hurting you I didn't realize it.
Now I guess it's to late to help you cause we hardly talk.

My heart is searching for someone to love,
But yet it refuses to find someone else.
I should say longing for someone to love...
To be with again...
To love me back and show it.
But it's refusing to find another.
Right now it wants to help you through your suffering.

I won't deny that I’m as dead as I can get.
But I’m not dead enough to stop loving you.
The only way that will happen is if someone is to kill me.

You don't suffer on your own...
You’re making me suffer in away...
By me not being able to make you happy anymore.
I guess I’ve lost my touch for things like that.
Just remember I’ll always love you and if you need someone I'm here...
Even though I might not be much help anymore.

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