Sentences I Poem by ion untaru

Sentences I

- Children are born clean like angels. Growing, the society alter their characters
- The day you haven't done any good deed, cry at bedtime
- Knowing does mean power, but how bad some people use it.
- If we'll be able to learn exactly what that happens to us, the world would be much better settled
- Who has more money, isn' healthier, and doesn't live more than poor ones
- Usually man makes himself more harm than all his enemies
- That falls not compare with that climb
- Humility is a peak at which reach very few people
- In every man is other of equal value but of opposite sign
- Every man knows by himself when does a bad thing
- Many insects buzz but do honey only bee
- A poisoned seed bear ten times, hundred times if not removed in time
- Love is the strongest principle, the number one law of the universe
- Mercy and good deeds, prayer and fast - the most handy way for the Kingdom of God
- Bad advice always sound louder
- Clever man can play the fool, but not too often
- Enemies are constant, you can count on them, much more than on friends
- Who really wants peace, will never start a war in name of peace
- No material is more refractory as stupidity
- Stupidity may look innocent or ignorant but more followers, more difficult to beat.
- I read novels that seemed translated from a foreign language, in an unknown one
- Who divide the bread, why don't divide justice also?
- Art must carry a spiritual exaltation and has nothing to do with bodily pleasures,
good life, parties, etc.
- Man needs a full life to build a reputation and only a moment of inattention to fail
- Suffering has been given to become wise
- Great joys do not last long
- Good thoughts are like bees, the bad ones, like waists. From the first we have only benefits, from the other only damages because they return with increased power
against us
- If one thing isn't honest and moral, it shouldn't be nor legal
- Any defeat can turn into a future victory
- The hardest battle you go with your own habits

(translated from romanian)

ion untaru

ion untaru

Village Finta, Dambovitza
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