Sentences Iv Poem by ion untaru

Sentences Iv

- Less he work, higher payment ask
- Hoisting soul toward God, is true happiness
- Children are born clean like angels. Growing, the society alter their characters
- Knowing does mean power, but how bad some people use it
- The day you haven't any good deed, cry at bedtime
- Usually man makes himself more harm than all his enemies
- That falls not compare with that climb
- In every man is other one of equal value but of opposite sign
- Every man does know by himself when makes a bad thing
- Stupidity may look innocent or ignorant but more followers has, more difficult to overpass it
- Man needs a full life to build a reputation and only a moment of inattention to compromise
- Suffering has been given to become wise
- The hardest battle you go with your own habits
- Bread is the reason of all world wars
- Who wants to change the world, begins with himself
- If someone does see only other errors and justify its, nothing will change
- Happier to give than to take
- Man can be sick from good life also
- Man is the alone being able to look up, toward Go
- Making misdoings, man punish himself
- It is true work ennoble but nor laziness killed anyone
- Any removal from God, leads to suffering and death
- Life has been given to us, with aim to merit the future one
- Be faithful soul, to get blessing wisdom and power, from above
- The world is like a mirror: what face you show to the world, the same return it to you
- Woman is a domestic being: she's living around man's house and feeds with his days
- I am a little parcel of universe
- Who doesn't look for peace all his life, he won't be part of it
- A bloated stomach, make a heavy spirit
- who doesn't always climb, in fact descend
- Who obstinated look for an easy life, usually don't reach to it

(translated from romanian)

Mel Vincent Basconcillo 22 April 2009

the thoughts just flow out so smoothly on this poem..amazing poem! so are u!

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ion untaru

ion untaru

Village Finta, Dambovitza
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