She... Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English


Can you ever divine jasmine's fragrant soul,
Can you truly figure the cosmos as a whole;
Can you ever surmise subtle designs of flowers,
Those robe in for world's wildest pleasures -
You see in her, these heightened life's truths
As natural as that for Beings their breaths.

Not like all, as common here and there,
She's rare jewel that adorns God's crown;
She's the simple grace full moon radiates,
She's real dignity rising Sun spreads around;
She is the spread of peace dawn carries along,
She's enlightenment refrain brings with it.

She's salvation to my withering soul,
She's divine spur that lifts spirit high;
She carries within her remedies to my grief,
She stirs the ale of joy from my head to toe;
She's my soul's nectar, immortal sweetness,
She's raging fire that awakens to life's treasures.

She's the masterly craft of God's own hands,
Moulded and shaped in His simple sincere art;
No complexities complications He devised in her
And designed her in own celestial mould -
Unlike any of us, yet one amongst all, pure,
She's surreal light, lighting all worlds around.

She defines beauty; defines right and wrong,
Makes words, a lyric; a lyric, a lovely song;
She's rhyme, rhythm; symphony, true harmony,
She is the cream hidden in the truth's subtle core;
Just her thoughts stir my whole to ultimate bliss
That wrapped in total peace of joy and contentment.

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