She Walks Alone Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

She Walks Alone

She stood firm like the Sun and Moon
In their bond of billions of years –
No shift of a degree in mutual tie,
No change of rules in following each,
Year by year for aeons together
In spite of ice age devastations oft;
She saw holocausts, horrors of fall,
Bottoms of abyss, she was driven to,
And burning of soul by infernal fires;
But deterred not an inch from chosen course,
She rose from the hearth in blazing white,
Pure as sterling gold hallowed by fires.

Commandeered to quit committed course,
Or else face horrors of grave havocs,
Though defenceless, she stuck with grace
To dictates of own honest soul,
And threw away life to wild wolves,
And found life shattered, broken, scattered;
Forlorn, forsaken, her goal, demolished,
But no way, her walk on course deterred,
She walked alone through the ruins around,
In spite of no hopes of reaching anywhere;
Her devotion, selfless resolve, her led
To walk her course on the demolished path.

No pain or suffering or grief, her touched,
Grave crash of past or horror of future
Stirred her not in navigating the void;
For, nothing she valued more than her goal,
That laid waste on ground afore her eyes,
And nothing bothered her, but to live till dies;
Beckons aplenty were calling her to quit,
And rejoin their fold to rebuild her life;
She scoffed them all, walked the path –
She knew, without him, no life is worth life,
And no resurrection on his ash, makes her, her;
She lives in her ash, rebuilding lost bond.

Golden is her soul, diamond in its strength;
Kaleidoscopic glitters of colorific glow
As spellbinding halo adorns her around;
Her life, shattered, but not her sterling soul,
That filled with him, breathed him always,
She sailed through ruins in the glow that flared
In soul by enlivening thoughts of him –
Whatever be this life, forever he’s hers,
From the inception of age to its very end;
He is her strength, light deep in her soul;
He’s guiding spirit, leads her across lives,
And never she's alone till time-space exists.

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