She Caught Covid Poem by Randy McClave

She Caught Covid

As she lies alone in the hospital vent
As oxygen to her failing lungs is sent,
While she is all alone and everyone is praying and crying
Knowing that while suffering, she is also slowly dying.
Only God knows the last words that she did pray
He heard every word that she did say,
And as she lays in a vent saying another prayer
While scared and alone and gasping for air.
I wonder if there is a loved one or maybe not
That had told her not to get a shot,
And because of the advice that someone had gave
She is now inching closer to her grave.

Does she regret not taking a shot or wearing a mask
Someday that question someone will ask,
And I wonder how she now thinks of her precious freedom
Attached to a vent in a hospital room is no garden of Eden.
Her family and her friends are praying for her as a whole
While I am praying for her very soul,
And still many scream and believe that Covid is not real
Soon, unfortunately another soul, death will happily steal.
I wonder if there is a loved one standing
For her recovering that person is screaming and demanding,
And that so called loving and caring person making the scene
I wonder if it was them encouraging her, not to take the vaccine.

And then finally came that saddened hour
Her body and her lungs gave up all their power,
And no one was there holding her hand or at her side
When now because of Covid, she had suffered and died.
I wonder if in the casket if she will lay defiant and proud
But, to say goodbye to her no one will be allowed,
At her funeral there will be of course no visitation
Because many will not have their vaccination.
I wonder if someone told her not to take the vaccine or wear a mask
I wonder if a loved one told her to ignore the mandate task,
One last thought to my own mind still does occur
I wonder if she had believed the lies that was told unto her.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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