I'll Never Get Mad At You Poem by Randy McClave

I'll Never Get Mad At You

Rating: 4.5

I'll never get mad at you
No matter what you'll say, or I do,
With you I just wanna stay happy and glad
Never sorrowful, or upset, or sad.
I wanna wake up every morning with a smile
Not with pain, loneliness or guile,
Those horrible emotions I do not ever want
Within my being I do not want them to haunt.
No matter if I am tired and sleepy
Or even if I am sad or depressed and/ or weepy,
Even if I ever wake up alone on the couch
Towards you, I will never be a grouch.
So, this I will say to you once again
As my morning is about to begin,
Whether you wake up hateful, or even quarrelsome or blue;
I'll never get mad at you.

Randy L. McClave

Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Mahtab Bangalee 21 November 2019

there is love in the beauty of flowers petals there is love on the flowing rhythm of rivers stream there is love in the chirping voice of flying nightingale there is love in the whispering of wandering breeze there is love in the running passage of virgin deer there is love in your smiling, silence, carefree mood there is love in your separation when I lonely imagine you love there are all over around me at alone I'm not get mad inanely

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Bernard F. Asuncion 21 November 2019

A well composed poem that captures the attributes of love.... Congrats on your featured piece....10+

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Tom Allport 21 November 2019

The perfect love is all forgiving.....well penned.

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Kingsley Egbukole 17 December 2019

A beautiful poem of dedication and love..10

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 21 November 2019

Nice one.. real love.. clear 10 be the one and ideal one you are still not gone from my life forever You are always there Hasmukh Mehta

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Edward Kofi Louis 21 November 2019

Positiveness! ! Problems of love, But with a smile. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Hasanul Kabir 21 November 2019

By reading the poem, I just remember, " A rolling stone gathers no moss"

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Alouwou Mandjah 21 November 2019

nicely done Randy L. McClave

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Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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