I saw her from that distance
As I'm going towards the lonely beach,
With a curling hairlock
All the beauties are just enwrapped
In that sweet innocent face,
Oh! I don't know how to confess! !
She is my beautiful dame,
Yet, I don't know what is her name,
But I guess it could be the Queen of love,
In this lonely beach that I have guessed,
And I think, finally she just came...
Surely, some lines I'd like to write,
I would...,
But yet...! ! ,
I need to know yet,
Why she has come in this lonely beach?
In this arid bed,
All the desires just
Gather here while a heart gets disheartened,
Yet I shall write, must I....,
My lines are now stained to
Draw the name with the words of faith,
In the leaves of faith.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Such a beautiful love poem. Hope you will get her love soon. Enjoyed the poem thoroughly.
I am very much pleased....