She's A Media Freak Poem by Phil Soar

She's A Media Freak

She does make up one handed, while the other hand scrolls
She fills in the places where life has left holes
Her mind is so tired from the Texts and the tweets
She misses the places where spots almost meet

Her phone, her companion wherever she goes
Stuck to her ear while she powders her nose
And when she's not listening, she's typing away
With thousands of words, but NOTHING to say

As today's news unfolds, she will set off from home
Handbag in one hand, the other, her phone
Staring intently, she strides down the streets
Checking her what's apps, reading her tweets

The transport is late, which she knew when she left
Along with the terror, she reads of the deaths
As she trudges along with her head in the news
It's all doom and gloom and not much to amuse

She has several lumps, on the top of her head
Which she got from the headboard as she lay in bed
As her husband performed, and she wasn't aware
Until he had finished and she saw her hair

She watched stuff on you tube, while legs were apart
Not knowing he'd finished or when he might start
And all the time Facebook was working away
Updating her time line for her everyday

The day moves so fast when she's constantly streaming
Watching the screen while she's really day-dreaming
At the end of her day, she's a media freak
Her hand and eyes work, but she just doesn't Speak

Friday, April 21, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: facebook,life,social media,twitter
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