She Was A Breathing Poem! Poem by Aadil Hingorjo

She Was A Breathing Poem!

As a student she was sharp
She smelt flowers
She flied higher
She remained low
She remained enthused
She grew in love
She sometimes went pessimistic
Nonetheless she was beautifully optimist
All good things stirred her
She sensed the depression around
She tried to redo the language
She danced through literature
She breathed through art
Her eyes had that lyrical enigma
She was a serene poem
A soberly soothing diction
She stared eye to eye in the sun
She winked at moon
A seaside lied in her
But the desert, they say, screamed thru her
She didn't surrender
She was the staunchest rebel
Against incompetence, against malevolence
She adored the truth
She kissed the lips of beauty
With head open, with heart widened
Going on a different path, she chose herself
Herself who perhaps was angry with her
Was addicted to the tunes of life
Often asked him to tell stories
He created stories
And she was attuned to him
Entirely attached to him
She was this much lively
She stood and began walking slowly
She leaned a bit back
And went ahead again
He couldn't stop her
Yet he stopped her
Gripped her finger
The sun witnessed them
The wind caught them
The sea-breeze embraced them
Nightshade overturned
Midnight moaned
The merger postponed
And the absoluteness flooded
Unlikeable and undrinkable
Yet it tied all and all
Emotions imprisoned
Inch to inch, and skin to skin
It rhymed all the way!

She Was A Breathing Poem!
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: her,love and art,picture,romance,story
Me Poet Yeps Poet 21 June 2019

read my curvaceous just posted may be to your taste young ones i compose for the youth ROMANTIC ONES ALSO READ MOM'S SMILES WHAT A CLASSIC

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Aadil Hingorjo

Aadil Hingorjo

Sanghar, Sindh, Pakistan
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