Shell Identity Poem by Michael Walkerjohn

Shell Identity

Two individuals
together in an uncertainty
of whatever; (how I love that term!)
serving a perceived armed wing, gregarious
secretive, practiced, nefarious, infamous.
These two individuals sweeping success
spurring scrutiny, reputation, honesty
fellows odd indeed! Partying members
these dynamic dual personalities are
successful, straight; far from repugnant
partners published for years, owing
allegiance only to their "due diligence"
chilling at ‘that' bar above ‘that' beach
an oversight on somedays into the ocean's
mists rolling onshore from off-shore Fukushima!
Heavily implied; the rise exponentially of two
individuals and those higher limits breached
over the last four years… A stake; heavily
levered, is sheltering a message in the
intersection of many converging "Cees".
Potentially causing the probability
of any advantage being played by the
one expert; to the disadvantage of the many
guess-perts… Ya think! The rise of capital would
be devised as so diabolical; and offshore? An
interesting intersecting conscious effort must
always made to an advantage, against those less
capable of taking the advantage. It being obvious
the structure oppresses US from within the whole of
US; beguiling the each of US, and your answer to the "Ah
Stool" of this? A weak and limp so what? Because this
is the way it has always been? Au Natural; like humans
are clothed in skin? Planning this, must have been "the
pigs stool"; making a myriad of rules and laws, and making
them thick, knowing each was more than a "little bit shady"
aggressively pursuing that perfect façade, the immaculate
deception, an ever evolving landscape, prominent and respected
by the touting fools puked out of those "schools" dedicated too
fleecing you and yours of all of your earthly chattel! And like
any herd animal, any schooled fish, and as most single celled
amebae's and masses of "sheeple"; you each bow down your
heads, and close your eyes and sigh… And then you die
prematurely; give up your focus too early, live a lifetime
as squirrelly, chattering, burrowing, pseudo monkeys!
Donkeys! Personality's simplex; the herpes, of a species!
Undisciplined, declining; studied by other higher beings
studying things human; Geneva! Believe it! Become
less ponder-some, do some wondering, hold your hand to
your chins; and smoke a bowl or two, or more… No worries!
Presently; the politicians have your six! Does this feel great?
Ask your selves; can we levitate, is this fault or fate, this
shabby state of affairs and cares and why' and where'; and
whatever'? Is in not time; that you each "entered the ring" and
began to clearly advise your infirm minds of the time; it truly
is? About space and time; about the time and the place and the
swagger in the latter daze of Kings, Queens, and those less
visitors, who are constantly seeking low profiles, ant appearing
on those stages, upon those pages, exposing their faces, names
and associations, relations, affiliations, society connections
and all those ever awful yet lawful procedures and processes
previously expressed, which lead to the continuation of this mess
that humankind finds it's totality in! Compliance earns a lick of
willingness; too cease being customer and to insist on becoming
owner; of this massive underhanded laundering machine gone all A.I.
upon the each of US! Begs this question; are you a holdout?
One willing to allow those "few" to corrupt
the many through the use of Money?

Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: corruption,international,money,political
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