Sherry Collins Poem by Francis Duggan

Sherry Collins

In the Wonthaggi coastal Heathlands from Wonthaggi Town around six miles and back
There's a pathway that leads to the sea shore known as the Sherry Collins track
Halfway down the track a timber seat in a clearing and on it is inscribed his name
The Naturalist former school teacher is entitled to his slice of fame.

To name the track in Sherry's honour was Parks Victoria Ranger Dan Drummond's idea
He says Sherry was such a good man and no finer Naturalist than he
He knew the names of all of the orchids, flowers and plants of the Heathlands as well as the fauna that lived there
For recognizing birds by their voices few with him could hope to compare

Sherry Collins no longer in the Heathlands though his spirit there surely reside
His spare hours devoted to Nature and in his work he took great pride
He was one who truly loved Nature and now in Nature's bosom he lay
We all belong to the Earth Mother and to her we'll return one day.

In Wonthaggi Heathlands a track in his honour it leads to the shore of the sea
And in the cool of early morning the gray shrike thrush on the wattle tree
Is piping his beautiful melody Sherry Collins often heard his ancestors sing
When wildflowers bloomed in the coastal Heathlands on bright and balmy mornings in Spring.

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