Should I Say Yes? Poem by nisha dyrene

Should I Say Yes?

Sometimes he fills my mind.
Sometimes he’s not there
Is he worth thinking about?
I don’t’ know.
I don’t care – I just do.
Is this love?
I don’t know
Is it just loneliness?

Am I asking too many questions?

I want to think of him more
I wish I could get him off my mind
Such a battle of emotions
I usually get left behind

Wonder how he feels about me
I don’t think he even cares
He is just a kid
Doesn’t know me
But thinks he does
He don’t know how to move
He’s too slow for the groove
But then nobody’s perfect.
This is reason. This is fact.
But the heart won’t listen.
It wants to break free.
I wanna be in love.
And someone with me.
Yes I am too young.
And reason says no.
I want to feel the rush
Of Emotion strong and deep
Everything I know revolts
Against the very thought.
But the heart won’t listen.

I wonder how he feels for me.
I’m probably not his type.
He just wantsta have fun.
Is it all just a game?
How deep am I in him.
Do I cross his mind as often as he does mine?
Will he ever break my heart?
Does he know the hold he has on it?
Reason says it won’t work
Common sense and logic rise up.
But the heart won’t listen
Will it ever break free?

Amy J-Jordan 23 March 2010

Run, run, run, in the opposite direction shouting 'NO'! I can totally relate and I really liked your poem!

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