Shut Not Your Heart To You, Darling! Poem by Aadil Hingorjo

Shut Not Your Heart To You, Darling!

Speak up to you, don't contest against thee
Love thy clarity; love thy confusion
Shut not your eyes to yourself
You're your wisdom and you're the wave
O lady made up of love resist it
Resist the rest
And divorce every absurdity
Go on an evening walk with yourself
To the sea or to hills
But do smoke before the marvels of liberty
Free are thy feet; and so are thy faculties
Hold them to your breathes
Unravel the unraveled
And punch down the rival seat
Open up the resilient side
Be profound and swim in profundity
Linked internal artery, own thy shift
Make romance with rift
And revive your peace
God sometimes is mistaken
Sometimes he simply goes the least way
And so lies the same God in you
Drink his patience
Drink him with immense delicacy
Do not be immediate
Immediacy mostly is temporary
And thou aren't a temporal wind
Gather your force
And blow on to the tunes of atmosphere
Fix a date with another dawn
And miss the night not
And justify thy slumber
Analyse the internal echoes
Argue with whispers
Be an all-embracing star
All that is in your heart
All that shines thru your eyes
All that dances thru your soul
All that manifests your strength
Smile's return to thee is obvious
Filter the unfiltered
Contact with thy heady genius
Accompany thy nerve forever and ever
For thou art thy sole comrade
Exhale the gone ruins
Inhale thyself; inhale the roots
Thou, of course, art thy wine & thou the divinity
Thou art thy composer
And thou thy composition
Imprint the most of it
And get it enthused
Sit not to the silence
Waste not thy fragrance
Reach you and reach yourself
Rummage through every single page
Revise every thick and thin
For thou art thy religion and thou the reality!

Shut Not Your Heart To You, Darling!
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: encouragement,existence,her,letter,love,strength
Aadil Hingorjo

Aadil Hingorjo

Sanghar, Sindh, Pakistan
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