Shut Up And Live Your Life Poem by David Welch

Shut Up And Live Your Life

You came down to this protest,
you cannot let anything rest,
paid for it by special interests;
shut up and live your life.

You still have this childish need
to scream ‘right side of history! '
you bought into that sophistry?
just shut up, and live your life.

You that that it makes you great,
that your ‘victory' is coming ‘fate, '
and those against you must be ‘hate, '
shut up and live your life.

Stop and reason it out a bit,
you're just a useful idiot,
discarded when you no longer fit,
so shut up, and live your life.

You that that they really care
about how you pet cause fares?
Sorry, that's rarer than rare,
shut up and live your life.

The will only give you time
if you can benefit their side,
when they speak they always lie,
so shut up, and live your life.

You were not put on this Earth
to shout loud and go berserk,
if that's how you get self-worth,
please shut up, and live your life.

Ideology should be demoted,
to building yourself be devoted,
cause time is a gun, fully loaded,
ever ready to end your life.

Go live a life with family, friends,
build something real, not this pretend
circus that serves no good ends,
shut up and live your life.

Climb a mountain, write a book,
give the day-to-day a closer look,
build yourself a comfy nook
in which to live your life.

I'm not the kind for hectoring,
and right now should be working,
not by the neck a fool holding
who's interfered with my life.

But you decided to block roads,
and now your blood is running cold,
did you think only you were bold?
Do you fear now for your life?

Good. Cause next time you block my drive to work, I'm not stopping.

Thursday, October 25, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: life,political,protest,rhyme,truth
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